Recently DTD completed installation of a horizontal injection well at a mid-Atlantic DOD site. One 1,600 ft long horizontal well was installed at a target depth of approximately 95 feet below ground surface (bgs) in super fine sands and silt layers. The well will be used as a tracer study on the effects of permanganate injection for the purpose of in-situ chemical oxidation. This study will evaluate the effectiveness of chemical injection to remediate solvents contained in groundwater.
DTD mobilized one of our largest rigs, an American Augers DD210. Due to the depth of the proposed drill, DTD utilized a Tru-Tracker wireline guidance system. Tru-Tracker navigation provided precise locating of the drill bit at depths that would have otherwise been beyond the range of conventional walkover locating technologies. With this navigation system the well was installed at the desired location to maximize remediation efforts within the contamination plume.
The installation phase required the placement of approximately 1,600 feet of 4” HDPE (1,100 feet of riser pipe & 500 feet of custom slotted well screen). The project was completed on schedule in 12 working days, including all rig up time, drilling, installation, development and cleanup an demobilization. The wells were completed at the ground surface with a traffic-rated vault for wellhead access.